5 Common Misconceptions about Pasta Debunked

Pasta, a top-rated Italian food in Vancouver, is universally loved, but it has also been blamed for unwanted pounds and branded as nutritionally empty. But, according to the nutritionists, it’s not nutritional deficit and results in weight gain. Here is a compilation of the most common myths on pasta and we explain why it’s an utterly wrong assumption.

Myth #1

Pasta Isn’t Nutrition-Rich

Everyone must have come across the warning, ‘Don’t eat white foods.’ But it’s not right! White pasta cannot be categorized under refined grain foods such as donuts and cookies. Pasta is enriched with Vitamin B, iron and still has fibre. You can also swap white pasta with whole grain wheat pasta to get more fibre. According to a study, a single serving of wheat pasta has seven grams of fibre, which is one-third of the fibre requirement for women in a single day. It also contains extra minerals and vitamins that provide extra nutritional boost for your body.

Myth #2

Pasta Raises Your Blood Sugar Level

Did you know the Glycemic Index of pasta is between 50 and 55, which is lower compared to white bread, which has a GI of 70? This low GI makes it metabolized slowly, reduces fluctuations in insulin level, and doesn’t cause blood sugar level to spike.

Myth #3

Pasta Results in Weight Gain

Pasta is always considered to be a dieter’s nightmare. But, numerous studies show including this Italian food in Vancouver to your diet minimizes the risk of heart disease, diabetes and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Mediterranean diet, which includes more fruits, vegetables, and lean meat, do not restrict pasta from including in their diets. Moreover, pasta is also a great source of complex carbohydrates, which is an important part of a healthy diet. Since pasta contains a lower glycemic index, it slows your digestion and controls your hunger pangs. Many research reports show that the carbohydrates in pasta is essential to fuel up your body and must contribute to 40 to 60 percent of your daily calories.

Myth #4

Pasta Contains Genetically Modified Wheat

Genetic modification is the process of changing the genes in the organism to obtain nutritional value or other traits that would not be obtained from conventional products. There is a common misconception that pasta is made from genetically modified wheat. According to the nutritional experts, in Canada, pasta is made only from wheat, and there is no pasta made from genetically modified wheat.

Myth #5

All Pasta Is Made from the Same Type of Flour Type

This assumption is completely wrong as pasta is made from different varieties of flour. This results in a high nutritional level and unique appearance, taste, and cooking.

Visit https://georgespizza.ca for pasta take out in Vancouver or pizza delivery in Vancouver.