Often people talk about the prohibition in a discussion of alcohol and bars in the US. In fact, the prohibition which was imposed in the US from 1920 to 1933 through the 18th amendment never outlawed the consumption of alcohol. During this period which is normally compared and said as a disaster or tornado, the wine manufacturers continued their business through selling “wine bricks”. Step into Mad Hatter Pub for the best bar services along with beer and alcohol of your preference.
To understand the prohibition, one must go back to 1600 AD and know the history of bar and alcohol. In the late 16th centuries the taverns were the old forms of bars which served food and alcohol to the travellers and served as a popular place for personal and business meetings. Later in the 17th and 18th centuries, the taverns were so popular that every city opened taverns for their use. Just before the 1st world war taverns or the pubs were visible in each street corners and the business competitions were tough between among themselves and between other big wine and alcohol merchants. Eventually, the taverns or pubs got engaged with criminal activities to gain supremacy and survive in the market. By the 1st world war, the criminal activities and the general situation became so tense that the US imposed the prohibition through 18th amendment in 1920 which lasted till 1933.
Despite the fact that the temperance movement was widely supported up to the extent of bringing the legislation of 18th amendment which prohibited the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the US, millions of US people were willing to drink alcohol at any means and so the production of alcohol illegally. Eventually, there were enormous bootlegging which means illegal production and selling of alcohol, and numerous speakeasies which means illegal secret alcohol consuming establishments. Both were counted as crimes by law. Ultimately, there were gangsters everywhere with increasing gang wars and severe criminal activities.
Much prior to the 18th amendment and prohibition, the concept of the abolition of alcohol was supported by the church which started in the early 18th century. However, the 18th amendment was passed in December 1917 but it was not effective in addressing and controlling the bootlegging, speakeasies and the related criminal activities. There was massive smuggling of alcohol from Canadian and Mexican borders. Besides this, the other source of bootlegging was through medicinal whisky where millions of bottles of alcohol were sold across medical stores. Eventually, the unlawful and criminal activities could not be controlled and persisted even long after the prohibition after 1933.